Just Do It
用简单的几何图形和色彩,传递出一种积极、正面的信息。画面中的“JUST DO IT”四个字,清晰地表明了作品的主题,而周围的图形和色彩,则增强了作品的视觉效果,鼓励人们勇于行动,不畏挑战。
Using simple geometric shapes and colors, it conveys a positive message. The four words "JUST DO IT" in the picture clearly show the theme of the work, while the surrounding graphics and colors enhance the visual effect of the work, encouraging people to take action and not be afraid of challenges.
用简单的几何图形和色彩,传递出一种积极、正面的信息。画面中的“JUST DO IT”四个字,清晰地表明了作品的主题,而周围的图形和色彩,则增强了作品的视觉效果,鼓励人们勇于行动,不畏挑战。
Using simple geometric shapes and colors, it conveys a positive message. The four words "JUST DO IT" in the picture clearly show the theme of the work, while the surrounding graphics and colors enhance the visual effect of the work, encouraging people to take action and not be afraid of challenges.