BLOOM LAB Florist Visual & Brand Design
BLOOM LAB花店视觉品牌设计-
Visual & Brand Design
-Year: 2024
Bloom Lab,正如其名,是一个花艺与艺术交织的实验室,在这里,我们用花卉的语言,探索着美的无限可能。Bloom Lab 并非仅仅是一家售卖鲜花的商店,它更是一个承载着创意和灵感的艺术空间。我们的花艺师们,如同魔法师般,将鲜花赋予新的生命,将每一束花都化作一件精雕细琢的艺术品。我们在这里售卖自己设计的艺术品和花店周边,比如精美的花朵时钟、充满文艺气息的花卉日历,以及与潮流品牌合作推出的限量版周边产品。让花艺与艺术的魅力,触达更多人的生活。
Flowers are nature's most exquisite works of art, they dance with grace, performing life's most touching melodies. Bloom Lab, as its name suggests, is a laboratory where floral art and artistry intertwine, where we use the language of flowers to explore the infinite possibilities of beauty. Bloom Lab is not just a store that sells fresh flowers, it is an artistic space brimming with creativity and inspiration. Our florists, like magicians, breathe new life into flowers, transforming each bouquet into a meticulously crafted work of art. Bloom Lab is not just a flower shop, it is a space filled with artistic vibes. Here we sell our own designed artworks and floral peripherals, such as exquisite flower clocks, artistic flower calendars, and limited edition peripherals in collaboration with trendy brands, bringing the allure of floral art and artistry to the lives of many.
Flowers are nature's most exquisite works of art, they dance with grace, performing life's most touching melodies. Bloom Lab, as its name suggests, is a laboratory where floral art and artistry intertwine, where we use the language of flowers to explore the infinite possibilities of beauty. Bloom Lab is not just a store that sells fresh flowers, it is an artistic space brimming with creativity and inspiration. Our florists, like magicians, breathe new life into flowers, transforming each bouquet into a meticulously crafted work of art. Bloom Lab is not just a flower shop, it is a space filled with artistic vibes. Here we sell our own designed artworks and floral peripherals, such as exquisite flower clocks, artistic flower calendars, and limited edition peripherals in collaboration with trendy brands, bringing the allure of floral art and artistry to the lives of many.